Friday, July 20, 2012

Ramadan Mubarak!

Ramadan Mubarak to everyone! May Allah SWT accept our fasting and good deeds and reward us well:)

Take care and Asalamalaykom:)


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Work Sheet

Asalamalaykom everyone:)

Due to an increase in business over the past little while, it was becoming difficult to keep the prices consistent in my head for the various sewing jobs that sisters wanted me to do for them. As such, I have created a Work Sheet that I attach to each job which allows for me and each of my clients to fill out what they want and add any details for measurements, alterations, etc. so that the sewing is done properly.

Therefore, If you live in the Victoria, BC area and would like some sewing work done, please feel free to email me at: for my Work Sheet and I can email it out to you. I am avoiding putting it online as my personal information is listed and because I am only taking on clients who live on Vancouver Island or in the Vancouver, BC areas (due to the necessity of providing me with fabric and/or the clothing items that need alterations).

I offer very competitive prices – half of what local Victoria dry cleaners and tailor shops are offering. For example, I charge $20 to hem abayas that are very wide at the bottom (up to 210 inches around) and dry cleaners and tailor shops in Victoria are charging $40 and up. I am trying to keep my prices very low as many of my clients are students and I hope to be doing a good deed by charging less. Plus – I love to sew and I don’t mind keeping my prices low:)

I hope to hear from anyone in the Vancouver Island-Vancouver, BC area who needs my Work Sheet and some sewing done for them, Inshallah:)

Take care and Asalamalaykom:)